Saturday 6 July 2013

Earn money Online - ADF.LY Online Earning Method-and others

How Its Works:
ADF.LY is an ad web page.We have to Create Consideration on ADF.LY and then we have to contract Url and discuss it on Individuals For Example we have a Excellent application then Publish it on Posting website and duplicate there weblink and then reduce that weblink and Copy new Shrinked weblink,and then discuss it and explain what u discuss so individuals entice to Yours application to Obtain and in this way you Generate $.

Instruction How To Start :
1) Make free account on ADF.LY
2) You must have Alertpay account or PAypal
(Just make it free on WWw.payza,com or
3) Now jUST shrink link and share it
4) Check your stats that how much you earn and whenever your Earning Equall to Minimum then withDrawn it

Its a Excellent way to Generate on that period when u are not on the internet Because you just have to discuss link

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